Dog Therapy Training & Certification

AKC Canine Good Citizen Classes

Welcome to Courteous Canine, where we are committed to providing you with the best pet therapy dog training. When you join our pet therapy dog training, it’s all about positive reinforcement. Our staff absolutely loves and understands dogs, which makes us a great choice when looking for pet therapy training in Tampa. We offer pet therapy classes to help ensure that your dog is better prepared to take the American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen test.

What is a therapy dog?
Therapy dogs are dogs who go with their parents to volunteer their time in various settings such as schools, hospitals, and nursing homes. Therapy dogs and their parents work together as a team to improve the lives of other people.

Dog therapy training in tampa by courteous canine

AKC Canine Good Citizen and pet Therapy Prep

This group class prepares dog and handler teams for the AKC Canine Good Citizen test and or the Advanced Canine Good Citizen test which is administered at the last class. However, this class also starts teams interested in pet therapy. Dogs will learn ideal walk-bys with other dogs, wheel chairs, walkers and other unique situations. Please note that completing this class does not automatically mean you pass the CGC test, our testers will abide by AKC rules for testing. Every dog is an individual, so depending on the dog this class may need to be repeated. This group class is for dogs that are free of reactivity toward humans and other dogs.

This class is 6-weeks long and provided in a group setting of up to eight dogs.

We took our dog here for Puppy Kindergarten… She enjoyed it so much we brought her back for the Canine Good Citizen certification training. Sadly, she is no longer with us. But when we were ready to get another dog we knew we would take them to Courteous Canine! We took our new dog to Puppy Kindergarten in 2012 and we also did one of their specialty classes, Really Reliable Coming When Called. The facility is clean and air conditioned. The classes are small enough that you can address specific issues with your dog. The times and dates are varied so it was easy to find a class that fit our schedule. Every instructor we have worked with was extremely knowledgeable and patient. We highly recommended Courteous Canine!

Alexandra Phillips, Google
Dog Training Rain Policy


For private training and group instruction that is held outdoors, we will make every attempt to contact students at least two hours before if we are canceling class. Classes are held during light rain, if there is lightning classes are cancelled. If you see lightning during your class, please let your instructor know immediately.

If you don’t hear from your instructor, your class will occur as scheduled.

courteous canine vaccines icon


To participate in class, your dog must have received:

  • Distemper/Parvo (core combination)
  • Leptospirosis
  • Rabies
  • Bordetella
  • Canine Influenza

If your dog is not eligible for these vaccines, we will also accept a letter of exemption from your veterinarian due to your dog’s age or medical status.

Dog Training Group Classes

Dog Training Group Classes Description Register
Intro to Agility – Jumps and Tunnels Intro to Agility – 6 weeks Intro to Agility: Jumps and Tunnels Group Class Class Schedule & Registration
Intro to Agility – Contacts and Weaves Intro to Agility – 6 weeks Intro to Agility: Contacts and Weaves Group Class Class Schedule & Registration
Intermediate/Advanced Agility Intermediate/Advanced Agility: 6 weeks intermediate/advanced agility Group Class. Class Schedule & Registration
6-Week Dog Camp Sport Sampler 6 weeks Dog Camp Sport Sampler Class Schedule & Registration
6-Week Rally O Novice 6 weeks Rally O Novice Class Schedule & Registration
6-Week AKC Fetch: Prep for Titling and Learn the Games 6-Week AKC Fetch: Prep for Titling and Learn the Games Class Schedule & Registration
Really Reliable Coming When Called One-time 90-minute group class of fun games for successful coming when called Class Schedule & Registration
Dog Swimming 101: Puppy Pool Safety One-time 90-minute Intro to swimming Class Schedule & Registration
Pool Tricks for Dogs! One-time 90-minute class that provides your dog the opportunity to learn simple fun pool tricks! Class Schedule & Registration
Intro to Dock Jumping One-time 90-minute Intro to Dock Jumping. Class Schedule & Registration
Intermediate/Advanced Dock Jumping Practice 1.5 hour group practice session Class Schedule & Registration
Dock Jumping Dry Land Games 90-Minute group class makes use of games outside of the pool to teach dogs foundation training for dog dock jumping. It is recommended to take this class multiple times for optimum results. Class Schedule & Registration
Intro to Fun Scent Games 6 weeks Intro to Fun Scent Games Group Class Class Schedule & Registration
4-Week Low Stress Handling for Vet Visits and Grooming 4 weeks of one-hour classes to teach you and your dog to decrease stress and increase fun for vet visits and or grooming visits. Class Schedule & Registration
Lure Coursing  One time 90-minute group mini fast cat session. Class Schedule & Registration
AKC Canine Good Citizen & Pet Therapy Prep Part I 8 weeks; requires prerequisite AKC Star Puppy or Basic Manners Class Class Schedule & Registration
AKC Advanced Canine Good Citizen & Pet Therapy Prep Part 2 8 weeks; requires prerequisite AKC Star Puppy or Basic Manners Class Class Schedule & Registration
My Dog has Issues 6 weeks My Dog has Issues for Reactive Dogs Group Class. Requires private Behavior Consult first. Class Schedule & Registration
Next Level Dog Obedience Fun Games Group Class 60-minute group class that takes place over the course of six weeks which is for dog-and-human-friendly dogs that need to take their obedience and manners to the next level. Class Schedule & Registration
AKC Star Puppy Classes 6 session enroll and go STAR puppy kindergarten. Class Schedule & Registration
Basic Manners 6 session enroll and go program for basic manners Class Schedule & Registration
New Basic Manners 6 session enroll and go program for basic manners Class Schedule & Registration
Intro to Trick Training 6 weeks of trick training classes; final week is testing for Trick Training Tilting
Class Schedule & Registration
Trick Training – Movement and Tricks to Music 6 weeks of classes creating Routines and Dog Dancing Class Schedule & Registration
6-Week Hero Dog Trick Training 6 weeks of fun new tricks that help your dog be a hero around the house Class Schedule & Registration
6-Week Boredom Busters Enrichment Games 6 weeks of learning fun games that you and your dog can play on rainy days Class Schedule & Registration
Snake Identification and Safety Workshop for Humans Learn how to avoid being bitten by snakes by learning about snake safety and snake identification of venomous Florida snakes along with harmless snakes. Class Schedule & Registration


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